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If you are interested in import, export, or wholesale purchase of thermal imaging devices, there’s no better place than AmmoTerra to find a buyer or supplier of military equipment.
Thermal imaging devices are intended for observation, search and targeted shooting at any time of day or night. You can observe objects that emits infrared/thermal radiation inaccessible to unaided human eyes using thermal imaging devices. Modern hunting thermal imaging devices are equipped with a monitor which you can use to see information about the temperature of the animals, represented by a variety of colors. Such devices allow hunting during difficult weather conditions, including rain, fog, blizzard or hunting at night. Thermal imaging helps to detect the target even at a great distance, at any time the day. Only strong and thick fog may reduce the distance and worsen the quality of observation.
Main features of thermal imaging devices are:
Products with the operating temperatures from –25 0C to +50 0C and with a detection range from 700 to 1850 meters are presented on Manufactured by the leading companies in Bulgaria, Canada, and Australia, thermal imaging devices are collected here considered being the best ones available on the market nowadays.