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Get a demoSign inChambered in classic .45-70, Uberti’s replicas of all 6 configurations of the 1874 Sharps Rifle are true to the originals.
By the early 1880s, the long-range models had become the favorites of professional buffalo hunters. In 1874, after 700 Comanche warriors attacked 30 buffalo hunters in the Texas panhandle, the hunters had used their Sharps rifles to fight back and win. Plus, the heavy barreled guns could take selected buffalo at long range without spooking the herd.
Additional Specifications
Barrel: Blue octagonal
Number of Grooves: 6
Twist: 1:20, RH
Weight: 10.25 lbs. - 11 lbs.
Trigger: Double set
Tang mounted Creedmoor sight and pewter forend cap