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  • Special Forces Tactical Vest
  • Special Forces Tactical Vest
  • Special Forces Tactical Vest
  • Special Forces Tactical Vest

Special Forces Tactical Vest


Market types:

Civil, Police & Law Enforcement, Military Arms

About Product

Tactical ballistic vests are used by military, law enforcement and private security personnel. They are worn over the uniform and can be equipped by additional ballistic protective parts. These vests can be manufactured in several colors or camouflage patterns as per customer request. Tactical soft vests provide protection against hand guns.
Manufactured in 3 sizes in accordance with NIJ0101.06 level IIIA.
This vest provides protection against edge shot and close shot threats.
Front and back ballistic plate pockets are integrated.
This vest provides additional ballistic protection on groin, neck, throat, and shoulder parts of the body.
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