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Get a demoSign inCartridge case: Aluminium;
Length: 80 mm, Diameter: 26.5 mm;
Burning time: 7±1 seconds; Ejection height (firing angle 80-90°): 100±10; Light intensity (candela): - red: ≥ 30 000 cd; - green ≥ 10 000 cd; yellow: ≥ 40 000 cd; - white: ≥ 25 000 cd.
Distinguishing mark of signal cartridge – cap, painted in colour of star with different numbers of cogs: one cog – for red colour star, two cogs – for green colour star, three cogs – for white colour star, no cog – for yellow colour star.
2. The 26.5 mm SIGNAL CARTRIDGE can be used by 26.5 mm rocket pistol for short range signalling and/or illuminating during military training or search and rescue operations.
3. The ammunition has been reliable to be used in the temperature interval -35C to +40C.
4. The ammunition has a shelf life of 5 years while in original packaging.
The ammunition withstands storage within the temperature interval of -25°C to +25°C.