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Get a demoSign inFeL 12/70 v=300-340 m=28g EXiGO 12/70 v=300-340 m=28g SK; SK-Plus 12/70 v=300-340 m=28g 16/70 v=300-340 m=22g PAM 12/70 v=300-400 m=32g 12/70 v=290-340 m=28g 16/70 v=300-400 m=28g Treffer 12/70 v=300-340 m=28g 16/70 v=300-340 m=22g Description: Cartridge is loaded with sport slug, PAM, SK, SK-Plus; EXiGo; FeL or Treffer. Slug is for sport shooting in disciplin runing wild bore,and standing target. Slug can provide excelent precision and shooting experience, it have Low recoil. Slug has proved it self in many competitions in Baltic states. Material hardnes 7-10 kgs/mm2. Packing: 10 pcs., 25 pcs., 250 pcs. In box |