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  • Societatea Uzina Mecanica Cugir S.A

Societatea Uzina Mecanica Cugir S.A


Societatea Uzina Mecanica Cugir S.A

Type of company:

Manufacturer (own production)




Romanian, English

About Company

The history of the factory dates back to 1799, when the steel manufacturing workshops were founded in Cugir, one of the first metallurgical factories in Transylvania, steel profile. The reasons which led that time Austro-Hungarian authorities to set up this factory in Cugir were mining practiced around the settlement and favorable natural conditions. The quality of the steel produced here was appreciated both inside and outside the Austro-Hungarian Empire borders.

The  expansion of the facility began in 1926, through the construction of  new production halls. The war led to the militarization of the plant which, at  that time, was managed by specialists in the field of modern weapons manufacturing. Parts and assemblies for artillery techniques were produced during the cooperation with the London company "Vickers Armstrong Ltd." The takeover by the Czechoslovak firm "Zbrojowka-Brno" led to a redesign of the production for infantry weapons and ammunition, based on documentation license.  During the Second World War, the German concern "Herman Goring" took over  the company's shares.

The accumulation of high experience and high technical potential ensured the success in designing and putting into production the first Romanian-designed weapon, 9mm caliber submachine gun, Parabellum, "Oriţa" type. Further industrial developments in Cugir are related to the plant, creating over the time a well-known brand named CUGIR.

Today, Uzina Mecanica Cugir SA owns the investment "Manufacturing modernization of ammunition and infantry weapons by assimilating NATO products." By purchasing the manufacturing lines for NATO products, the company has a technological base comparable to those owned by renowned manufacturers in the defence industry. The procurement of equipment and technology related to the manufacture of Boxer anti-corrosive primers and infantry ammunition 5.56 x 45, 7,62 x 51 and     12,7 x 99 calibers leads to a high level of automation, low energy consumption, special accuracy in production, high quality finished product, flexibility, high labor productivity. From a strictly technical point of view, the company acquires modern technologies for brass case and non-corrosive ammunition (NATO specific), that opens a wide perspective concerning subsequent assimilation of other types of ammunition.




Istoria fabricii dateaza din 1799, cand au fost puse bazele atelierelor de fabricare a otelului in Cugir, una dintre primele fabrici metalurgice din Transilvania, avand ca profil otelul. Motivele care au determinat autoritatile Austro-Ungare sa infiinteze aceasta fabrica  au fost mineritul ce se practica in jurul localitatii si conditiile naturale favorabile. Calitatea otelului produs aici a fost apreciata atat in interiorul Impreriului Austro-Ungar, cat si in afara granitelor acestuia.

Extindera fabricii a inceput in 1926, prin constructia de noi hale de productie. Razboiul a dus la militarizarea fabricii care, la momentul respectiv, a fost condusa de specialisti in domeniul productiei de armament modern. Piese si ansamble pentru tehnici de artilerie au fost fabricate pe parcursul colaborarii cu compania londoneza "Vickers Armstrong Ltd."Preluarea de catre firma cehoslovaca "Zbrojowka-Brno" a dus la reproiectarea productiei de arme si munitie de infanterie, in baza documentatiei de licenta. Pe parcursul celui de-al doilea Razboi Mondial, concernul german"Herman Goring"  a preluat actiunile companiei.

Acumularea unei experiente sporite si potentialul tehnic ridicat au asigurat succesul in proiectarea si lansarea in productie a primei arme de conceptie romaneasca, pistolul mitraliera calibru 9mm, Parabellum, tip "Orita". Dezvoltarea ulterioara a industriei in localitatea Cugir este legata de uzina, creandu-se de-a lungul timpului un bine-cunoscut brand, CUGIR.

Astazi, Uzina Mecanica Cugir detine investitia „Modernizarea fabricatiei de armament de infanterie si munitie prin asimilarea de produse NATO”. Prin achizitia liniilor de productie pentru produse NATO, compania detine o baza tehnologica comparabila cele ale producatorilor consacrati din domeniul industriei de aparare. Achizitia de echipament si tehnologie pentru fabricarea capselor anti-corozive Boxer si munitiei de infanterie de calibru 5.56 x 45, 7,62 x 51 si 12,7 x 99 au dus la un nivel ridicat de automatizare, consum scazut de energie, precizie speciala in productie, produs finit de calitate superioara, flexibilitate, productivitate ridicata in munca. Din punct de vedere strict tehnic, compania achizitioneaza tehnologie moderna pentru tuburile din alama si munitie necoroziva (specifica NATO), care deschide o perspectiva larga cu privire la asimiliarea ulterioara a altor tipuri de munitie

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