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  • Less Lethal Concepts Pty Ltd
  • Less Lethal Concepts Pty Ltd
  • Less Lethal Concepts Pty Ltd
  • Less Lethal Concepts Pty Ltd
  • Less Lethal Concepts Pty Ltd
  • Less Lethal Concepts Pty Ltd
  • Less Lethal Concepts Pty Ltd
  • Less Lethal Concepts Pty Ltd
  • Less Lethal Concepts Pty Ltd

Less Lethal Concepts Pty Ltd


Less Lethal Concepts Pty Ltd

Type of company:

Manufacturer (own production), Other service (logistics, consulting, security etc.)


South Africa

Established in:


Total employees:


About Company

Less Lethal Concepts Pty Ltd is a privately owned South African company that specializes in innovative self-defense and defensive security solutions.


With a passion for securing people and assets, the company was founded in 1994 with the aim of designing, manufacturing and distributing high-quality less lethal security systems and equipment. The products are designed to provide an effective and instant deterrence, neutralizing incidents of crime, terrorism and vandalism making it safe for the infrastructure occupants under attack, while also ensuring the safety of reaction personnel who may respond to the site potentially preventing the responding officers from entering into possible ambushes and having them harmed and weapons stolen.


The company's main focus is on providing effective security solutions that can be integrated with current technologies used by every sector to enhance their security. The company offers a range of products, including: · Pepper spray security systems of many types and sizes for a host of applications · Riot Sprays · Other defensive security systems including a variety of marking products · Internal and External Systems · Static and mobile applications All products are designed to be effective, easy to use, and reliable. Most of our products utilize Oleoresin Capsicum food-grade pepper to effectively minimize or stop crime.


The company specializes in made-to-order products, allowing it to provide personalized solutions that meet the client’s specific needs and requirements. I work closely with security service providers to assess the threat level and design workable solutions that can be integrated into their existing solutions. Less Lethal Concepts is committed to high-quality customer service and customer satisfaction.


We encourage clients and potential clients to reach out to discuss how our highly effective security solutions can benefit them personally or their organizations.


Please see our website shop for our product offerings and our YouTube channel for some of our real and demo videos of our products in action. www.lesslethalconcepts.co.za

